Aspects to consider when selling an inheritance property.

What aspects should we take into account when managing the sale of an inherited home?

This situation continues to be a reality in numerous family groups, where the interests, relationships, and agreements of the heirs take on special relevance.

Regarding the Procedures:

The processing of inheritance involves living with different states of mind and above all of a psychological nature, that condition said processing, in the acceptance of inheritance itself.


Six (6) months is the period of time for the effective settlement of the taxes related to the inherited asset, among the taxes that intervene in said settlement period:

1.- inheritance tax (which varies depending on the autonomous community where the property is located, and

2.- Another tax is that of the municipal capital gain that must be settled at the City Hall where the property is registered.

Said liquidation period, of six months, on many occasions generates tension and concern among the heirs to face the payment thereof, conditioning the management of the sale of the inherited asset and in certain situations, precipitating the sale of the same, selling to meet this obligation.

Real Estate Professional:

One of the aspects to take into account is the correct selection of the real estate professional who advises with rigorous professionalism and knowledge of the market values ​​of the property, both in the area of ​​and in the type and state of the property, is of the utmost importance. determine this point in order to establish a correct valuation of the property in order to shorten the terms in the sale management.

Another aspect to take into account is the conditioning of the inherited home, it is a determining point that will help shorten the sale period.

It consists of emptying the house, painting, and cleaning it, this set-up will require an investment that will result in a better sale price of the inherited asset.

The potential buyer must have a pleasant first impression of the home that they see and that helps decision-making being aware that it will need reforms, surely and with the set-up, we leave clean spaces in which the future buyer will visualize with greater clarity, the type of reform you have in mind and want to carry out.

Interlocutor figure:

Of extreme importance in those cases when there are several heirs, the figure of a single and only interlocutor who represents the rest of the heirs, in communication with the contracted professional and with future buyers.

Determining the bases of conciliation, between the heirs, will be a more than fundamental aspect when it comes to facilitating the sale process and the terms thereof, delegating a single interlocutor who is responsible for the said relationship with the intervening parties.

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